Rafael Sánchez-Castillo Lodares

Founder & Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

The Founder and CEO of REPETCO began his professional career in the family business, but soon joined a European financial group (Paribas Affaires Industrielles), where he participated in multiple company privatization projects, especially in South America.

In 1996, he carried out the acquisition of the hydroelectric company Guadalmancha, S.A., which marked the beginning of the Naturener Group, dedicated to the production and sale of electrical energy, with special focus on photovoltaic energy and wind energy.

In recent years, with the expertise accumulated in the field of renewables and the economy of environmental sustainability, Rafael decided to make a 180º turn towards to launch a new business project, REPETCO Innovations. REPETCO Innovations solves for the first time a problem: the recycling of PET/PE multilayer plastics for post-food consumption.